Hull Office Opened – Nationwide Lifts Expands

Hull Office

At Nationwide Lift Services we’re proud to announce we have officially opened a brand-new office in Hull. We have decided to do this due to accelerated growth and so we can expand our business area and grow further.

unlike our lifts which go up and down, when it comes to our business we only want the growth and sales to go up, while helping out new and existing customers on the way. This new workspace is excellent for us and we have high hopes to work here.

Three of our hard-working office staff live in hull who work on the sales team, marketing team and the Managing Director.

we plan on utilizing the Hull Office as a hub for sales, marketing, answering phones and more traditional office roles. A good percentage of our business is in Stoke-on-Trent or around other areas of the UK, but we hope to secure some Hull and East Yorkshire lift projects too.

Around 59,000 businesses of all sizes have more than one workspace and we are glad to now be one of them. expanding has helped us a lot as we can do a better job and we can cover a more expansive area.

Opening the office has been a huge milestone for us, we have tirelessly working and putting the hours in to get the setup right. Throughout the last few days as of writing this, we have spent the last few days cleaning it, putting desks together and making changes to get it all nice and ready.

For 2024, 2025 and indeed in the near future we intend to keep growing, expanding our business and most importantly keep your lift working and safe, with the Hull Office being a major step in the right direction.

“I am looking forward to seeing the future for the company and seeing how we can further improve, while we make sure your lifts are working” said our Managing Director.

Nationwide Lift Services have been working on the lifts to Care Homes, Colleges, Schools, Councils and Retail companies in and around Staffordshire for 30+ years. Our main workspace is in Newcastle-under-Lyme, which is in Stoke-on-Trent but we do lift projects all around the UK.

We provide Lift Service (or Lift Maintenance), Lift Repairs and Lift Refurbishment (also known as Lift Modernisation or a Lift Upgrade). If you or your company find yourselves in trouble regarding your lifts, we are here to help you.

You can call us on our 24/7 helpline at 01782 562000 or you can send us an email on, also you can check out our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages here.

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